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"Off with her Head!"

6 today! 

I so hope you have been enjoying these posts – I’ve now created and posted 22 into the Ultimate Blog Challenge so I’m more than “caught up” with the program – that feels good to me – I don’ t know about you but sometimes I get “ahead” of myself and other times I feel like I’m “behind”.  Are you the kind of person who prefers to be ahead or do you prefer to hold back a bit and be more methodical, precise, cautious?

Do you find yourself really stuck in one or the other end of the spectrum?  We’re always moving and our energy and our “status” at any particular time is going to be somewhat random – but we do have patterns – that’s the purpose of this evening energy evaluation process (please go back to the first few posts in this series to see what I mean) .  Once you are AWARE of patterns you can use them to your advantage or make a conscious choice to change them!
The whole “ahead of yourself” thing I am sensing has a connection to our mind – our “Head” that is always chattering away at us – convincing us of what might happen, what needs to happen, what we aren’t doing right, and generally is always spurring us on in some way to keep us on some kind of an edge – in that state of anxiety and fear that are the cornerstones of the entire fear matrix – we each contribute to the fear matrix whenever we succumb to fears and over -react or speculate on what MIGHT happen!  Sometimes we’re so FEARFUL of LOSING OUR HEAD that we fail to recognize that our HEART has something valuable to offer to the picture – and often (actually ALL the time) when we are in our HEART space (our TRUE HEART space) and we allow our heart to guide and lead us – we are being led by LOVE!   How about realizing that no matter WHAT happens it’s all Divinely PERFECT!

I’m choosing lately to shift my pattern of overage – over committing, over doing, over promising, over whelming myself and my teammates!  I am choosing to slow things up a bit – put things on the back burner – let stuff simmer – leave well enough alone for a while – let things grow organically in my life and my business.   When I stop “getting ahead of myself” I can be SO much more powerful and impacting because I’m actually HERE in the present MOMENT which is where we have the greatest amount of power and capacity to create and to grow!

How do you manage and modulate your own flows of power and energy? Do you ever think about your own power, your own energy flows?  Do you ever apply your awareness and intent to coming into full PRESENCE in the present moment of NOW??  I’d love to hear how your energy evaluations are going…..

Loving your light,






Did you notice??? Lately – I have NOT been paying attention!! I thought I had my act together – but apparently that is NOT the case!! When I broke my arm last winter – I realized that I needed to get help – which I did – and for which I’m very grateful – but what happened is this – I let go of some aspects of my life, my work and my business that were NOT in my best interests to let go of – most importantly – my connections with my child and with my community and also with what I’ve been putting out there for content and value. 

What happened in my personal life is I became so disconnected from my child that I missed some important clues that in retrospect I should have noticed that he was heading down a slippery slope.  Now I want to say to you that I am NOT an advocate of “Shoulding” on  yourself – however at the same time I am clear that we each need to take personal responsibility for our own choices and actions AND for the consequences of those actions.  After much medicine work and a re-aligning with my deepest priorities I am more deeply committed than ever to SHOWING UP for him – for the next three years of his high school career and beyond.  He may be bigger than me now but the truth is he still needs guidance, wisdom, boundaries and a loving hug in full presence on a regular basis.  I’m recommitting myself to being a much better parent – and as a result I’m quite sure with all the gifts that he has to offer – a much better person in the long run. 

20100728_23 Wonder of wonders – my teen actually asked to go on a trip together – we went and spent several days at the end of July in Montreal – while there I got to know him all over again – I got to see that he’s not a little boy at all any more – and that he also still needs, wants and loves to be with his mom (when his friends aren’t around of course 🙂 ) We journeyed together and just hung out – visiting shops, going to the movies and walking for miles – it was great – and we’re making a plan to go back again soon – A little mom – son retreat on a regular basis – to break up the routine that creates a rut – to see who we each are NOW and to re-connect in more meaningful and powerful ways with each other and with our relationship.  I’m grateful and acknowledge how fortunate that I am to have this young man in the making under my care and stewardship and I understand the responsibility for this relationship working is squarely on ME – like in any relationship – you can’t change the other person – you can only change yourself – so if it ain’t working – go look in the mirror.

As far as connecting to my community goes = I stopped writing – for a long time.  Now I can release and forgive myself for my lack of writing while I was in a cast – that’s understandable – and I supplemented for a little bit there with some fun, entertaining and I hope content value videos -  however – I’ve been out of the cast now for months – and still – no writing and no videos either.  I slacked off and asked someone else to handle getting information out on my blogs and you know what – it SHOWS that I have not been mindful.  I’ve not been paying attention at all!

The other day I took a look at my blog and said YUCK!  There’s nothing here of substance.  Yuck!   So I’ve decided it’s time – time to actually PAY ATTENTION to the things that work.  To be IN my business – rather than "abdicating" the throne and turning the reigns over to someone else who may or may not know what I REALLY want to say and who certainly doesn’t have the same level of connection (in fact can’t possibly have the same level of connection) with my audience as I do. 

Mea Culpa – I come to you now and hope that I can make amends for any damage done to our relationship – I forgive myself and I am also now AWARE.  Once you are aware – you can’t make any more excuses.  I hope you can forgive me too.  I’m not broken any more and my prayer is that I haven’t broken your trust and our relationship with each other. 

My commitment is to come back to the basics and to set up a consistent practice of delivering quality, high frequency, valuable content and Divine Wisdom through this channel.  I intend to be a better blogger. I hope you’ll continue on the journey with me….

I also feel like I lost (or let go of) my connection to my SOUL team – It’s been a long time since I really felt clearly open and receiving ALL THE TIME – sure I’m doing medicine work a lot and when I’m working with clients the connection is clear and strong and easy to get to – however when I get off the phone it’s like I’ve hung up on my “Celestial Team” as well.  I dropped my morning practice of yoga, meditation and journaling and got caught up in the practice of jumping on the computer every morning as soon as I got out of bed – but not really DOING anything meaningful.  I’ve recently recommitted to my morning yoga practice and it feels great – I’m calmer, more centered, more balanced, more mindful and I’m starting to make some clear choices about how I want my life to be designed and SIMPLIFICATION is a big part of that decision.

Of course this was all precipitated by an injury to my body – and my choices following the injury of how to manage through the healing and recovery.  Truth is I panicked – I let fear grab a hold of me and we’ve been running together for the better part of the year.  Being in fear causes you to make poor choices, being in fear causes results that are fear based and perpetuate themselves, being in fear makes everything you do come out like crap – half assed – half baked – not mindful – certainly not valuable – it’s like when you are in fear everything you create adds to the illusion and nothing is based in actual reality.


Actual reality is a beauty filled place – Nature is our greatest reflection of this – so I’ve chosen to get back to nature – to spend more time outside – to connect more deliberately with the Earth – to let GO and release everything that doesn’t serve me – to open more fully to the gifts of people, places and prosperity all around me – to recapture my positive attitude and to care for myself and my body consistently, mindfully and worshipfully.  I’m back on the yoga mat now three times a week for full hour classes  at the gym and daily with my video buddy Rodney Yee – I’m making better eating choices – I’m making better investment choices all the way around.  Where do I want to spend this one precious and Wyld life?  Fearlessly In Freedom, In Right Relationship, In LOVE. 

During Mercury Retrograde energies are very supportive for doing anything that begins with the letters re!  Releasing that all that no longer serves us is one of the biggies – along with reorganizing and rearranging.  I have been on a tear over the last few weeks relentlessly (there’s another re for you) going through my whole house with a very cold clear intention to only keep that which is truly meaningful to me now.

New View 009

This of course has resulted in quite a number of bags to go off to the Salvation Army, the soup kitchen and various other places where the items I’m letting go of will be of service to others.  I’ve cleared an amazing amount of space and and most excited right now about the changes I’ve made in my office.  In a previous post I wrote about clearing from my physical body I mentioned how my lower back and bottom were being impacted by the energy shifting that was being called forth for me now.  I also realized that as I’ve shifted my business I’ve changed what I’m doing during the course of the day and am spending quite a bit more time sitting at the computer.

 New View 010

During the deepest moments of my discomfort I sent a message to my upstairs team asking for relief and what I was shown was reconfiguring my workspace so that I could have a number of choices about how and where I would be working.  Specifically I was shown a tall table that I could comfortably stand at while computing in addition to a low table where I could compute sitting on the floor.  Happily I was able to find the tall table fairly inexpensively and discovered the low table was already in my possession in the basement!

 The Lower World Desk

These are some pictures of my new workspace!  I’m sure I will have much more joy and much less physical discomfort by being able to move around and work where I feel most comfortable in any particular moment.  I recommend that you too take a look at your comfort level.  If you are in discomfort that energy will permeate everything you do.  As a Passionpreneur, aligning with your joy and allowing it to be easy is one of the greatest gifts that you can give yourself, your clients, your family, and your world.  Even Staples is connected to this vibe with their EASY button.  If Staples can “get it” surely you can too! 

Is it time for you to SHIFT your perspective? Sometimes it helps to have abeeonflower1 skilled navigator who can see a broader picture to assist you in coming into clarity and focus around your vision for your life and your business – Schedule a BEE (Business Energy Evaluation) with me and let’s take a journey together to see what we can see! Now booking into October – call 603-594-2744 for an appointment or send me an email


Psst…… The Energy Journey is coming…..

Yesterday’s post got some responses from several different directions and certainly stirred up some interesting feelings from those making comments – so today I wanted to talk about the difference between setting goals with clarity of intention vs. setting goals (and then Making Deals…) and what happens to your energy when you do that.DSCN5681

We all set goals for ourselves – both large and small, whether it’s to lose weight, exercise more, be more disciplined in our work, or to make millions, impact hundreds of thousands, change the world in a positive way, goals are often the impetus for our forward movement along our personal journey.  The questions that come up are :  Who’s goals are they?  How did they arrive in our consciousness? Why did we choose to pursue this over that? Why are we setting or striving towards this particular goal at this particular time?

When we start asking ourselves some of these magical questions of course others begin to emerge as well:  Are we making progress towards what we say our goals are? Are our actions in alignment with our intentions? Are these even the right goals for us?  Have we actually achieved the initial goal and failed to recognize it?  Is it time for a new goal?  Is it time to let an old goal go unmet?  What was our level of consciousness at the time we made the original goal?  Are we still in that same space or have we shifted so dramatically that we are energizing a goal that now is not at all related to what we REALLY want to be doing?  Are we compromising with this goal? Is it really too small  for us?  Are we bringing the fullness of ourselves to it?  If not, why not? What is blocking us?  Are we really passionate still about the goal and just completely stuck and not moving forward for reasons we can’t even begin to figure out?

Lots and lots of magical questions arise each one leading to another – and each truly important to ask ourselves because let’s face it – only we have the ability to choose and determine for ourselves how we are going to apply, spend, or invest our life force energy!  Here are a couple more good ones:  Does this goal make me feel ENERGIZED or BOUND?  Am I feeling JUICY about pursuing it – excited enough that I can keep this end vision in sight even if I’m having a day (or two or three weeks, months, years) of challenging experiences (otherwise known as learning opportunities!)

Questioning ourselves can lead us to greater clarity – with greater clarity we are able to see ourselves for who we really are and determine for ourselves what it is we really want.  In shamanic terms taking the time to do this work is called “stopping the world” – we step outside of time and outside of our personal story.  When we do this we might be surprised by what we discover – if the goal is REALLY TRULY YOURS – if it comes from that Highest Place – the deep soul level of your being – when the dust has settled it will still be there – maybe even more shiny and enticing than it was before once all the cobwebs of the mind have been removed and it’s been more fully exposed.  kevinrosseel_26ABC

So what do you think happens to your energy when you set a goal (and then make a deal) – well of course you are conflicted on every single level – you have sent out a vibration to the Universe and then you’ve reeled it back in again – you’ve set yourself up for being unable to really be effective in reaching the goal and often you’ll end up in many acts both large and small of self-sabotage – leading to even further energy leakage and the accumulation of more dense energies in the form of guilt, self betrayal, lack of trust in yourself and more.  Eventually you get exhausted and either want to give up completely or end up unwell.   I’ll write some more tomorrow on how to disengage cleanly from goals that have been set or agreements made on autopilot and without full consciousness!

Sometimes we are served by having a guide to assist us on our journey – the journey of unblocking, clarifying, focusing or concentrating our energy body to be in alignment with what our true heart desires.  A navigator who can bring an objective light into the recesses of your soul can really serve to smooth out the bumps in the journey and expose the dead ends that will get you nowhere fast or have you going around in circles.

This fall I’m offering individuals a special 7 part “Blockbuster” program to do just that!  If you think you might be interested in the program I’d love to hear from you – email or give me a call at 603-594-2744.

And remember that I”m offering a PEA a day throughout this last week of istock_000003631521xsmall summer to a lucky winner – 6 PEAS left!  Apply today by sending me email with I WANT A PEA in the subject line along with a note explaining what’s UP for you and why you think it would serve for you to receive at this time!

Oh and by the way – last year I had a goal to create 3 minibooks – and I reached it!  One of the books was called Magical Questions – A Spiral Journey of Spiritual Awakening – you may want to check that out here:  Magical Questions

It’s pretty interesting because this little mini-book is connected to an online environment with a journaling system so you can make the experience of taking the journey your own – available in either print or ebook format.

Recently I’ve engaged in a “challenge” 30 blog posts in 30 days.  Sometimes we say yes and only afterward realize what we have committed ourselves to.  As an Energy Master I have a duty to myself to be clear and focused on what it is that I choose to do with my energy and because I myself am still “on journey” I’ve been given the opportunity once again to “discover” an old pattern of saying YES Uh Huh I’ll do that Seems Like a Good Idea – before really taking even the smallest of moments to breathe, scan, discern and determine if this is the right choice for me right now.Numbers 2082 (4)

The intent behind this challenge is to help those of us who have agreed to join in to get into a regular habit of blogging – and as a result of that habit of sharing our information, wisdom or offerings to simultaneously build our business because the theory is with more blogging we’ll get more attention, more information or content out there and thus more opportunities to connect with the people who may be a fit for our services.  All good in theory – perhaps another story in practice…

So I find myself right now a bit at odds with some of the things I know to be true:

1. – Whatever I need is always there for me all the time

2. – Those who are supposed to connect with me will show up – and be ready, willing and able to connect with the work that I have to offer – Exactly on Time

3. – I choose to allow the flow of people, money, connections, and opportunities to come to and through me with ease and grace – and I have in fact experienced this many times.

4. When I try to force the river – efforting, struggling, or pushing to create something whether it’s a blog post, a piece of music, a work of art or a harmonious relationship then I end up not only not really accomplishing what I desire but often times I end up burned out, used up, exhausted or unwell.

5.  My creative process is well known to me at this point – when I create – it comes in spurts – I’ll sit down and make 27 pieces of jewelry in two days or 45 paintings in three weeks or write 5 books in one year and then when the flow is complete I’m done – I walk away and I might not touch the writing, the paintbrush or the beads again for weeks, months or maybe even years!

6.  My work – when I bring the fullness of myself to it – is truly impactful – it is deep, profound, life altering work and the people who choose to connect with their own energy journey by investing in themselves through me are achieving phenomenal shifts and exponential growth in both their business and personal lives.

7.  I must honor myself above all else – caring for my needs first – in order to be of the highest level of service to all.  Do I need to do all these posts? or is ONE QUALITY post going to serve as powerfully as 30 little snippets?

So what is a shamaness to do when she discovers that perhaps she’s signed on for something that is not fully in alignment with what she knows to be true about herself? (or anyone for that matter??)

First I’ve decided to share my truth – here in this post and also with the person that I made the commitment to (that would be me! because in actuality when we commit to another we are committing ourselves!)

Secondly I’ve decided that I will blog when I feel the urge – when I feel that there is something of VALUE that I have to say – not just for the sake of blogging or of living up to some “challenge” or expectation that I have set for myself.

Thirdly if there comes a moment in the next 23 days where I decide I’m not going to be reaching this goal I will gracefully and easily give myself permission to back off – to take myself back from the edge (like we do in yoga) so that I don’t injure myself or send the energy of pushing too hard to do too much out with my posts.

Fourth I’ll ask myself to remember the next time someone sends me an invitation to jump on board and commit to something to take a breath AND a little journey along the choice/destiny lines to see into the future (I can do that you know – you can too) and determine if this is the right thing at the right time for me.

Discernment and self-knowledge are precious gifts – and they are to be used – not stored in the cupboard for when special company comes to visit!

Please feel free to comment on this post if you feel that it speaks to you in any way.


In celebration of the last week of summer I have decided (after careful discernment and sitting with the idea for about a week) that I’ll be picking 7 people to receive a free PEA (Personal Energy Assessment – Valued at $97.00) – one for each day of this final week before the Autumnal Equinox – to be considered for this contest please forward me an email to – put I Want a PEA in the subject line and be sure to let me know why you feel it would serve you at this time!  (PEAS will be scheduled over the next several weeks for the winners!)

Sometimes we forget our connection to Source and we need a little assistant to Remember that we can be WYLDLY ABUNDANT – be sure to click that link and connect with the program that I did with Nicole Whitney of News For the Soul Radio fame if you would like to re-connect to your birthright of living a WYLDLY ABUNDANT life!

Strong Boundaries and clarity around what does or does not work for you as you navigate your ascension journey are up right now in the vibe.  Understand that boundaries are a vital and crucial part of self-care.  During an earlier post much was discussed about the importance of self- care during this visionaryvibe_logo_sm_nolinetime of great shift – just as you are advised by your “flight” attendants that in the event of an emergency you are to put the oxygen mask on yourself first – you are being advised to put care of the self first now.  Exercise your ability to say no to others, to carve out time and space to nourish yourself, to go within and to hook “up” to your Source for guidance, healing, information and inspiration.

All around the effects of the dismantling of an old paradigm are being felt – it can be quite easy to get “caught” up in the fear matrix.  The habits of complaining and feeding negative experiences with your personal energy whether it’s just thinking about “THE STATE OF THINGS!” or if it’s verbalizing and colluding with the consciousness that feeds negativity and fear into the mindstream no longer serves.  The mental body is being called into alignment with the TRUE state of reality which is that you, each of you, individually has the power to create your own personal reality and this reality it predicated upon the thoughts you think and how you choose to spend  your energy.
Thought forms that re-inforce low self esteem, lack consciousness, affirmation of failure, worry or any other negative energetic will IMMEDIATELY begin to manifest – you must have noticed by now that the ‘feedback’ loop has accelerated – instant Karma’s gonna get you as John Lennon said!  Now more than ever it is imperative to CLEANSE AND PURIFY your mind – to FOCUS AND CONCENTRATE on what it is that you desire to create for yourself.  Now more than ever it is TIME, TIME, TIME to LOSE THE MIND and find the HEART! Your HEART, your TRUE heart will always be providing you with positive steps in the direction of your destiny.  Some of these steps may very well include disengaging from relationships or situations that are dragging you back, bringing you down or triggering old thought forms that no longer serve.

Use these triggers – they are a gift for you to see – what are you adding your energy to?  Are you feeding your energy to the new beginnings? or  Are you energizing what is falling apart?   What is falling apart can be used to your advantage if you honor it, if you give gratitude for all that has led you to this place, if you willingly shed it all in one piece (call on the energies of SACHAMAMA – The Great Serpent to teach you how to shed easily and gracefully).  When you shed in this way the energy that is released is broken down and fed back to you for your use in fertilizing the seeds of the new creation that is calling to be born through you.snake

Set boundaries – be clear on what you want – speak your truth.  HOLD the boundaries from a space of honoring yourself – not a defensive posture that creates a wall – instead from an open hearted space that says I love myself so much that I’m going to take excellent care of myself which will then allow me to bring my best self to share with others.  Don’t you think the others who are in your life looking to connect with you really want the best you?  Don’t you think it makes sense that if you are going to connect in business, in parenting, in friendship or in romance that the best you will create the best experiences?  If you are weak, exhausted, spent, confused, angry, depressed – who really wants to connect with that energy???  Only YOU (as Smoky the Bear would say) can fight forest fires.  In the event of an emergency place the oxygen mask over your face first before trying to help others.  It’s TIME!

Remember that setting clear boundaries can also be considered creating sacred space – sacred space within which you are able to RECEIVE.  It is only when you carve out time and space for yourself and yourself alone that you are able to truly receive at the deepest levels – healing, intuition, activations, attunements, inspiration, rewiring.  You who are lightworkers have been giving so much for so long.  The time to RECEIVE is NOW.  In the creation of sacred space for yourself, in the setting of clear boundaries, in the setting aside of time to receive – whether it’s a morning where you sleep in or an evening with a hot bath or an afternoon in meditation or a morning walk in the woods – you open the door for Spirit to come in and repair & replenish, rejuvenate and resource you so that you are prepared and ready for the next phase of ascension work that will be initiated.

Here is a gift Audio opening of Sacred Space in the Inka Tradition – it was from a client call with a female client – for the men out there no offense!! Just substitute the word “brother” in your head where I say “sister”!  Enjoy  Sacred Space Opening Audio

If you need some assistance in clearing your mental/emotional or physical body – perhaps you’d like a “Spring Cleaning” Shamanic Healing session.   Now taking appointments – booking 2 weeks in advance.

9 Weeks to A New You Teleworkshop Starting on March 19  – Register today!

Sound Heals!  Visit my site to listen to samples from my CD Divine Healing!

Feeding the Flame - Time for Reflection

Feeding the Flame - Time for Reflection

Ok It’s OFFICIAL I’m declaring March MAKE TIME FOR ME MONTH!!  Creating that Beautiful Space for Self Nuturance, Growth and Opening into a Higher state of relaxed and receptive openness.  All Is Well.  I Am worthy.  Major shifts in conscious awareness.  Moving into knowing, feeling, seeing, and hearing with a greater degree of clarity.  Boundaries and wise use of personal energy.  All is Well and I AM worthy.

Allowing for the emergence of that which will serve the HIGHEST Good.  Highest degree of open & receptive being.  Embodying the Deep Feminine.  Engaging receptivity in the hands and in the heart.  All is Well.

I love myself.  I love my body, I love my life.  I invite strength, beauty, wisdom, & truth to enter and fully embody within me.  I open to the guidance and wisdom of others and listen with sharp ears and an open heart to the guidance of my “upstairs” Success Team on the other side of the veil.

I listen deeply to and honor the wisdom and information provided to my by my body.  All is Well.  I take things one step at a time.  I stay grounded and focused and my energy is concentrated and powerful.  Each act is imbued with love and reverance.  I return to the timeless nature of my true self.   I live my dream now and in each future moment.

I enjoy prosperity and financial flow as well as heart felt intimate connections with others who are here to support and be supported by my journey.  I welcome the opportunity to serve and I trust that I am well supplied and provided for in this moment and the next.

I release all thinking and patterns of belief and behavior that are having negative effects on my mental, emotional, & spiritual well being.  I easily detach from unhealthy or imbalanced situations or relationships. I engage in practices each day that support radiant health, pure presence, mental clarity, and emotional equanimity.  I take excellent care of myself and my environment.

I purify myself with thoughts and expressions of gratitude as I realign with and remember at every level WHO I AM.  I AM a Powerful and Masterful Creator.  I AM Love and I AM Loved beyond measure.  I AM Thankful for this life.



Today I’m dressed up as a BEE for the Honey Party!! What better way to celebrate than to wear a costume honoring part of my medicine lineage.   My first shamanic teacher Catherine Amsden of Spiral Touch Healing in Kittery Maine has bee as her one of her personal totems so when it was time for me to receive my lineage stone for my mesa (medicine bundle) the one she gave me had a bee emblazoned on it. 

The bees are such wonderful creatures – they move effortlessly from flower to flower collecting the pollen and just being bees.  In the process though they provide an invaluable service to ALL OF NATURE – without the bees moving from plant to plant and flower to flower virtually all of our fruits and vegatables would disappear.  Not only do they pollinate the food supply but they also create the amazing elixir that I’ve been sharing with you in each of these Honey Parties!  The bees are being of service by being themselves and by sharing their gifts and working together towards the common good of the whole hive.  We could really take a lesson from them in the fine art of working together.

One way I like to contribute to the common good is by volunteering to serve for non-profit organizations.  This year I’m treasurer of the L’il Iguana Children’s Safety Foundation (funny I mention the treasurer thing twice in the video and once here in the blog – three times is the charm I guess!)  If you care about the safety of children this is one FABULOUS organization.  I have a personal desire to see that Lil Iguana’s work is supported and spread throughout the world.  Every message that comes through from these wonderful people is a gift to the children.  Please if you have a few extra pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters or even better LOTS O BUCKS and you are looking for a really great cause that will directly benefit children then this is the charitable foundation to consider tithing to this year!  Please make a donation to continue this great work.

This whole idea of giving is a very important concept in the realm of success – giving it all you’ve got, loving what you are doing so much that you’d give it away, giving of your time & energy to others who are in need, and never ever giving up!  Giving to yourself is also incredibly important – it’s vital to know when you need to have some support, some love, some nurturing, some respite and to give yourself a break.  As we approach the season of giving — start with some THANKS giving to you. 

You are the central star in the constellation of your life and you must appreciate the power and the wisdom and the energy that you bring to the table.  Take some time today to do something really wonderful for yourself.  Maybe it’s a simple as having a spoonful of honey to celebrate all the sweetness that is you!

Thinking about what you are going to be giving and receiving this holiday season?  Think about the gift of self -improvement – Starting November 11 join me for any one or all of four free calls that I’m giving called Everything is Changing and You Can 2!   These calls are to introduce you to a powerful new program that will be starting up at the beginning of next year.   Hope you decide to join me!  Enjoy your sweet success!

The news this week has been less then stellar around the economic and financial status that has been created in our reality.  So here we are at a choice point, once again we have the capacity to decide, to choose, to use our free will, to exercise our options.  What will we choose??  Where will we focus our attention?  How will we utilize our personal power and energy?  Always we have the capacity.  Remember to both claim & manage your power! 

Do you wish to add your energy to the collective fear matrix?  Do you wish to Feed the Ferocious Fear Factor?  Worry, anxiety, stress, panic, all are feeders of the Fear Matrix.  The Fear Matrix lives, breathes and EATS YOU UP when you choose to dwell in the energies described, when you choose to allow your thoughts and emotions to be “caught up”.  Remember this FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real.  So how to disengage, to detach from fear?

First remember your power.  Remember that you are a creative being, that you are made in the likeness of the creative intelligence that manifested the entire visible and invisible universe.  Step forward into personal responsibility to look at and see the real truth.  The cycle of life has it’s ebbs and its flows.  Always the universe is in the process of de-construction and re-creation.  Where do you choose to stand?  Can you release -easily and gracefully ALL that no longer serves you – even systems that you may have thought were “permanent and secure”?  Can you find freedom and step into the unknown, the new, the unmanifest and apply your creative vision, your energy and your power in the process of making a new way?  Can you believe in yourself, your own worthiness and the magnificence and benevolence of the Universal Intelligence that flows through you to know without a doubt that ALL IS WELL – even in the face of seeming catastrophe? 

Finding Freedom in remembering that you have the choice!  Finding Freedom in remembering that you are intelligence made manifest!  Finding Freedom in the appreciation of the life, the breath that comes easily and swiftly into and out of your body in each and every moment.  Life breathing you and you breathing life.  Finding freedom in the power to choose the thoughts that you will feed with your energy!  Finding freedom in moving through the enotions that rise and fall like waves upon the ocean – refusing to “get stuck” and “feed” those emotions that would disturb your equilibrium!  Finding freedom by taking back your power and taking your health, your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health BACK INTO YOUR OWN HANDS AND HEART! Finding freedom in the sweet knowing that we are all connected and that we are always and forever supported and surrounded by loving beings of light, angelic beings, ascended masters who are with us in each moment, ready and waiting to assist us in moving into the next most beautiful stage of our evolution and growth! 

Feed the Fear? or FIND THE FREEDOM!!

Declare YOUR INDEPENDANCE TODAY from the Fear Matrix and come into the Freedom of standing in your own power, creating your reality and visioning a future that has LEARNED from the mistakes of our ancestors rather than having to re-live their stories in order to get the lesson. 

Breathe in the Light and  know that you are eternal, everlasting, infinite and beautiful beyond measure and that you’ve GOT THE POWER!!

Declaration of Independance Photo from Public

Declaration of Independance Photo from Public

Guidance and assistance is ever present to assist you if you feel stuck and unable to move into your personal freedom.  If the FEAR MATRIX is feeling overwhelming to you and you would like to re-connect with and re-store your light the gift of self-nuturance is one that will always pay tremendous dividends.  Me time is super important when the outside world is caught up in high stress mode.  Take time today to sit, to rest, to meditate and perhaps to book a session with a healing arts practitioner who can create a sacred space of love and light within which your own natural healing capacities can be activated.  Now booking appointments into October – please visit my site for more information about Sessions which can be done over the phone – saving on fuel and stress on our environment.

Original Vibrational Power Painting of Mother Mary by Amethyst Wyldfyre

Original Vibrational Power Painting of Mother Mary by Amethyst Wyldfyre

Another great message came through during a client session – this one a channeled message from Mother Mary.  For those of you who are ready for a break and need a little added boost to assist you in stepping into the place where you are ok with taking care of yourself this is a great one.  Please enjoy!  Mother Mary on Self Nurturing 

Thank you to my client who shall remain anonymous for permission to use this material on my blog to assist others.  You are a generous and giving soul.

If you require an extra boost of energy to move through blocks to your own ability to find balance and nuture yourself – perhaps a healing session or reading will assist you to find what you are seeking.  Please feel free to visit either my MAIN SITE Services Page  or my READINGS SITE for more information or to book a session.  I’m now officially listed as an Angel Intuitive and as an Alternative Healer on ABOUT.Com!

Take good care of yourself!! Peace and much joy,  Amethyst

PS:  If you resonate with this painting of Mother Mary and would like to bring her home with you she is available for sale – check out my Art Gallery or if you prefer to purchase a archival quality reproduction you can find her on my Fine Art America site where you can choose a variety of sizes, papers and she can be framed if you like!