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Kiva and I are over the top having fun with this project…..

Wait until you see what we have cooked up since our big Complimentary call last week.  Starting tomorrow you can hear the audio – but what’s even MORE interesting is the laugh fest that was happening behind the scenes!

In order to get the “skypeversation” which had both of us ROFL with tears streaming down our faces you need to let us know that you heard the call and what you received  for insights, lessons, blessings or breakthroughs!

We are having a Fabulous Feedback Frenzy contest – please post your insights on our new FAN PAGE for the WOW PROJECT which is located here:


We’re super excited about the folks who have already signed up for our Worthy, Wealthy and Wise Workshop Intensive and invite you to listen to the call and make your move ASAP if you are feeling like it’s time for you to join us on the journey-  the first 20 peeps are getting in with a $200.00 incentive on the enrollment investment.   Visit the site and listen to the call starting on Monday October 3 –


The winner of our Fabulous Feedback Frenzy will receive a free enrollment!

We are LOVING your LIGHT!




Join my colleague and WISE WOMAN Kiva Shuler Leatherman and me this afternoon at 4 – We’re going to have a “Virtual Afternoon Tea” and get DOWN and DIRTY sharing with you some powerful SPIRITUAL and PRACTICAL  steps to overcome the 7 fears that keep women from feeling worthy of wealth.   This call (and the preceding 7 part video series) is an unprecedented opportunity to join us as we BUILD a BRIDGE between these two seemingly disparate parts of our lives – our soul’s deep wisdom and and wallets!

Please register right away – we have already received over 500 women into the WOW Project Community!  Won’t you add YOUR energy and POWER to this call today?

Here’s the link:

We’ll be on twitter too! Here’s the hashtag:  #wowcall – we’d love to interact with you there during the call and get your live FEEDBACK!

In gratitude and service to the Feminine Divine!

Peace is IN YOU!!

I was looking back on my 6 Figure Speakers Summit which I produced last year – HUGE amount of work – very little financial return on the amount invested – returns though have kept coming and coming and coming in the form of social capital, credibility, and connections.

I’m now in my second “big launch” (or if you prefer birthing).  I’m working with a JV partner this time – an amazing and brilliant woman whose work is the perfect counterpoint to mine – Kiva Leatherman of the Wise Women Network – and we are a week away from the complimentary call ( We have a number of affiliates and are getting good signups for the call – and we’re being sponsored by Aspire Magazine – all great things –

Yesterday though was one of THOSE days – our VA and my partner had some miscommunication about some stuff we promised our sponsor and major affiliate – and our VA is also newly pregnant and having health problems and ended up in the hospital this weekend with heart issues. Since she had all our login info there was a teeny bit of stress (ok maybe not so teeny) but what I was able to do – since I’d been through the fire on my summit last year – was to encourage everyone all the way around to BREATHE (including myself) and I was able to stay really clear and present as to what the most important things were at the moment.

1) the health and worth of our VA – top priority
2) the relationship with our sponsor
3) my relationship with my partner
4) making some concrete decisions about getting back up support immediately for the rest of the roll out.
5) figuring out how to get data so we could re-outsource if necessary.

What I loved was my own capacity to lead through the chaos because of my previous experiences. What a gift! Here’s a little present for anyone who is in launch mania and needs a sec to just chill out and get their perspective and priorities straight – Enjoy!

Breathing In the Light….

Remember to join us on our complimentary call – it’s next Thursday – we are really EXCITED!! Sign up right away and receive our 7 part video series about overcoming the 7 fears women have that keep them from feeling Worthy of Wealth!

If you would like to become an affiliate and SHARE the Wealth we have a full compliment of multimedia promotional materials available for you to participate with us in getting the word out to all the women in your own world who might benefit from this great work of the Bridge to Build between spirituality and practicality – between Divine Worth and Divine Wealth!  Join us as an affiliate here:




A creation of my friend and LUMINOUS Genius Gail Lynne Goodwin – this site sends out a piece of brilliance every single day from amazing people who are here to be Messengers of LIGHT and change the world!!

TODAY – I’m honored to be the Featured Luminary – imagine that!!

Please stop by over there – leave a comment and subscribe – a little brilliance goes a long way so if you enjoyed what I had to say – then pass the word to YOUR circle of influence!

Thanks so much for your radiance in MY Life!! You INSPIRE me!


Peace In  Amethyst



Identifying The Seven Monsters that EAT your Self Worth!

When we are born we come to the world with a soul that is carrying lifetimes of experiences.  We choose to incarnate in order to fulfill some purpose – everyone and everything in creation has a purpose!  Sometimes we find ourselves feeling like we’ve been  “born into the wrong family” (or culture, or social system) and we feel at odds with everything around us.  We may experience lots of hardships, traumas, dramas or just all around hellish experiences that leave IMPRINTS on our soul. These imprints can cause us later on in our life time to suffer greatly, to question our value and to suppress our natural born ability to create the life we are dreaming of living.  These IMPRINTS can be tracked in the anatomy of the soul and healed with appropriate guidance and medicine.  The soul or Luminous Energy Field contains all the imprinting from your present life as well as your previous or parallel lifetimes – so  sometimes even if you were “born into the RIGHT family” you may discover that you are facing challenges that just don’t even make sense given the circumstances – in this case it’s probably a karmic or even ancestral, cultural or archetypal imprint that you are challenged with.

Imagine the soul is like playdough – every time a trauma or heavy experience occurs an impression is made on or in one of your major energy centers – the Chakras or it may even pervade your entire luminous field (sometimes called the aura).  Here are 7 distinct fears or imprints created by wound/traumas that will absolutely eat up your self worth and the energy centers where these “monsters” live:

Fear of Not Having Enough – Lives in your ROOT or Base Chakra – Survival Issues and Lack

Fear of Not Being Good Enough – Lives in your SACRAL or creative Chakra – Self Sabotage/Overdoing

Fear of Power/Success – Lives in your Solar Plexus or Power Chakra –  Boundary/Control Issues

Fear of Being Abandoned – Lives in Heart Chakra – Excessive Grief/Depression Feeling Empty

Fear of Speaking Your Truth – Lives in Throat 0r Creative Expression Chakra – Unable to Express Needs

Fear of Betrayal – Lives in Third Eye or Brow Chakra – Broken Dreams, Disbelief, Doubt, Distrusting

Fear of Loneliness/The Unknown – Lives in Crown Chakra – Fear of Being the Leader/Responsibility

Starting with the BREATH, there are certain techniques which are specifically and precisely designed to get to the core of your soul and your issues around self worth, to clear out these monsters and to Build a BRIDGE that restores your soul to it’s original Divine Blueprint of perfection.  When healed we are able to Thrive, Create, Be in Right Relationship with others, Love Unconditionally, Express our Needs and create beauty in the world with ease and grace, Dream BIG and Manifest and Lead ourselves, our families, our communities and our world into a future of bright promise.  We become able to recognize our true worth to the world as co-creators of this reality and can bring through and fully embody our Divine Wealth and exchange it for material wealth through embodying our unique and magnificent souls!

Women it’s time to Build the Bridge between the Spiritual and the Material realm and to help women to REALIZE (bring into reality) the fact that they are WORTHY of WEALTH  which is why I’m joining Kiva Leatherman of the Wise Women Network on September 29th to present a complimentary Teleclass called Worthy Of Wealth – won’t you join us?

Amethyst Wyldfyre – The Speakers Shaman and Divine Destiny Mastery Mentor is an EMPOWERED Messenger!  A Multidimensional Visionary Speaker, Author, Teacher and Artist, she specializes in serving visionary leaders and conscious entrepreneurs who want to feel Safe, Powerful and Ready to LEAP fearlessly into their highest level of service and who want to profit handsomely from following their Spiritual path.  She can be found at please help yourself to some free gifts for you at

Drinkin’ the Koolaid!

Been having lots of interesting conversations lately with people – people who have made some powerful choices for themselves – people who have INVESTED HIGHLY in their businesses and their dreams and desires – people who have sought the advice, guidance and wisdom of a variety of “experts” to help them in learning new skills, bringing in new technologies or otherwise expanding and growing their businesses.

I’ve discovered that there are two different “camps” out there – those who are making the recommended changes and those who aren’t.

Let me tell you about what I’ve learned – if you are willing to receive that is…..

The one’s that didn’t make the necessary changes are DESPERATE – they are stuck in their old ways – entrenched SO deeply that in spite of making this big investment they simply can not get out of their own way – and they are dying – perhaps their business is dying – perhaps their faith in themselves is dying – perhaps their relationships are dying as a result of this choice.  Maybe all of the above and more….

The one’s the DID make the changes – ACTUALLY DIED!!! They DIED to their old patterns of behavior, they died to  the relationships that didn’t serve them or their vision anymore and they died to having to do things “their way” for sure.  As a result – they got to be REBORN – into a whole NEW level of service, a whole NEW level of expertise, a whole NEW level of VALUE ADDED to their own work and to serving a whole NEW level of clients with upgraded, refined, polished and professional products, services and packages.

Rest In Peace.....

Either way if you “drink the Kool-Aid” you are gonna die – you can go the EASY way – willingly surrendering into the higher vision that your mentor, coach, trainer or counsel might have for you and your business (because truth is if you are investing with them they must have said or did something somewhere along the line that showed to you that they have some kind of understanding of YOUR PARTICULAR stuck point and that they THEMSELVES went through it and discovered a SOLUTION which they are now inviting YOU to invest in to get it without having to go through the days, months or years of it that they did yourself! Oh and another truth is – somewhere in you there was the recognition that this particular person is AHEAD of you on the path in that particular area!).

Or you can go the hard way – making the investment but not showing up on calls, not doing the homework or only doing it half assed, not showing up in the forums to give and receive support, not ASKING for help on the Q & A calls, maybe doing the work but bitching, moaning and complaining about how hard it is or how little time or attention YOU and YOUR BUSINESS are getting or about how “others” are so far ahead of you, or about how CRAZY you must have been when you made this choice, or how OUTRAGEOUS and UNREALISTIC the pricing of the program was or how you are NOT GETTING THE RESULTS that you wanted to get or whatever.  This creates a HUGE FIELD OF ENERGETIC MUCK around YOU, around YOUR BUSINESS and around your RELATIONSHIPS with your mentor and with everyone else in the program.  This MUCK is like Quicksand for your business – because here’s another truth – if you are in ANY KIND OF BUSINESS at all then YOU ARE ASKING OTHER PEOPLE TO INVEST IN THEIR OWN BUSINESS OR PERSONAL WORK through YOU!  So when you are in MUCKVILLE what happens???? Well either your potential investors all disappear completely because they “kinda liked what you had to say…. but ‘something’ didn’t feel quite right” or you’ll spend a LOT of time and energy talking to folks who then become clients but they themselves then start to play mirror mirror with YOU –  bitching, moaning, complaining, etc.  about how hard it is – maybe wanting their money back – whatever – Get the picture??? You get back what you give out.  Pretty Simple!

Here’s the deal – when you enter into the path of entrepreneurship – especially if you are “Called” to be an agent of change or a messenger of some sort – you are going to be guided by the BUSINESS ITSELF to learn, grow, expand and TAKE RISKS!! If you aren’t comfortable taking risks you are gonna get a GRADUATE COURSE in that little subject!  The work on the INSIDE is to get really open and clear around receiving guidance about the options for investing and growing that will BEST serve you and your evolving entrepreneurship.  The work on the OUTSIDE is to make the guided choice to TAKE INSPIRED ACTION and get moving in those areas where you MOST need the support in your business RIGHT NOW!

I myself of course am partial to seeing people INVEST in doing the INNER work FIRST – because it’s WAY less messy to clear out all those old beliefs, thought forms, behavior patterns or maybe even familial or ancestral “curses” that might be waiting in the depths of your being to SABOTAGE your dreams and your success.  It’s WAY cooler to get all that stuff clear by choosing to CONSCIOUSLY go IN THERE in my humble opinion than it is to “Play it OUT” with other people – mentors, colleagues or clients or even organizations like banks, the IRS, landlords, etc. – who end up taking on these funky roles in your personal drama to help you to FINALLY stop doing what you are doing and go IN to shift that old junk up to the surface and get some CLARITY for a change.

Clarity is DIVINITY!!

Wanna come by and have a nice cold glass of Kool-Aid?  I’d love to AID you – I think it would be really KOOL……

Before I take off for summer vacation I’m feeling like there are a HANDFUL of PERFECT PEOPLE who are REALLY READY to get the CLARITY that they desire and to make an EXPONENTIAL Leap in their own business.

People like our most recent Divine Client Elizabeth who had this to say after doing some LIVE in person work with us when we did a little test of taking our Core Path work into a live format:

“I became very clear…This work will impact my whole LIFE…. I have SO MANY tools now!”

Check out all that she had to say on this short video  !

Time for Chillin....

– we have only 4 slots available in our by invitation only VIRTUAL


starting on my Mom’s Birthday July 19th.  Are you filling one of them?

If so then call me DIRECTLY on MONDAY July 11 – between the hours of 11 and 2 PM EASTERN TIME – on my office phone and we’ll set you up – 603-594-2744.    Don’t call to kick the tires – be serious – cuz it’s summer and I’d much rather be sipping something KOOL on my back porch…..


Respectfully borrowed from Google images original artist unknown to us

Join Mikael and I this afternoon at 1 PM for our monthly complimentary Divine Wealth Community call – this month we’ll be speaking about the masculine/feminine aspects of our being and how it’s time to bring them into Divine Union!  Inspired by the Dear Woman video and by our own inner urgings to speak about this topic – this month’s call is sure to be thought provoking and heart opening!  We hope you can make it live at 1 Eastern time – but if not – please sign up anyway RIGHT HERE so we can get you the recording!

Loving your light,

Amethyst  & Mikael

Suzanne Falter Barns was the very first person that I ever took an online course from way back in 2003 when the web was young and I was looking to learn in a new way!

Over the years we have both served each other in many ways and I’m delighted to be hosting her and her partner Jeffrey Van Dyk this Wednesday for an afternoon call designed to help you if you are ready to really break out of the box and take your business into a new space on the web!

Join us at 1 PM ET on Wednesday for “The Naked Originality Checklist”
Register HERE!

I’m just delighted to be able to feature Suzanne and Jeffrey and I’m quite sure that those who are ready to receive will find great value in this call!

Today I have the great pleasure of being the host on 11th day of the Virtual Blog Tour of Hay House author Dr Roy Martina, whose book Emotional Balance: the path to inner peace and harmony comes to Amazon on Tuesday March 15, 2011.

Roy Martina is a holistic medical doctor with over 30 years experience helping people tap into their true selves and “cure the incurable” by understanding the connection between emotional balance and dis-ease. He is the author of over 40 books in Dutch and other languages. He has spent the last 25 years studying acupuncture and numerous holistic techniques in order to offer people a profound level of healing, and he has been tireless in his pursuit of methods that work swiftly and effectively to aid the healing process. This work has put him at the leading edge of the holistic and self-help world.

Yesterday, Roy visited Yvonne Perry, where they talked about nature of happiness, self-sabotage and karma.

Today, I’d like to share with you a recent interview I had with Roy when I got to ask him some questions on shifting our energies to a higher vibration and one’s energy. I hope you enjoy it.


Amethyst Wyldfyre: Dr. Roy you talk about Emotions belonging to our Heartware and reason belonging to our Hardware – I LOVE that image of Heartware – can you talk a little more deeply about how we can shift our energy and emotions so that we can actually “Upgrade” the Heartware with a “new and improved” Divine Download?

Roy Martina: The Heartware is our feminine, it is considered in acupuncture to be the receiving energy (inward). This is especially important in the first 7 years when the Hardware is not protective yet of our inner core. Once this protection starts to kick in, it also seals off the already stored memories. The way to quickly upgrade is to create regular upgrades every night before you go to sleep. The best way is to ask yourself when were there moments today that I was not expressing my Divine Self? When did I allow others to take away my connection (read Power). Then you go back and you edit the movie of the day. You virtualize (that is using all your senses) by re-creating, re-living the same situation in the state that best represents you being in your power. If you do this every day you are opening the channels that reconnects you with your core being, your original Heartware. At a certain point these channels are wide open and the natural way becomes the automatic way of behaving instead of the conditioned patterns.

Amethyst Wyldfyre: I’ve found in my own journey and also in the journey that I’ve facilitated with some of my clients that doing the actual “work” of moving through our emotions is fairly straightforward, simple and with the right tools easily accessed – what I’ve discovered to be much MORE challenging is deeply embracing and actually embodying the new paradigm that we intend to create when we step into this work – I’ve found this to be a challenge because for many people there is no “touchpoint” or personal experience of living in that way. Can you help us to get more clear on how we can really EMBODY consistently those higher frequencies of the effortlessness, loving, being, now moment, higher consciousness, flow state that you have identified at Level 3 – Not Working At All?

Roy Martina: To reach this level, we need to develop a tremendous trust in the Divine plan; actually giving up the belief that we are smarter than Our Divine self. We have to learn to relax and change the inner feedback. Instead of creating positive interpretations we need to only focus on the fundamental movement of our consciousness. We have to step out of the content of what is happening and observe just one thing: Are we moving away from being in the state of love or are we shifting back to that state of expressing our core Being? Everything that is happening in real time does not matter except being aware of the movement of our consciousness. The content is the distraction but it is very obsessive and addictive. Everybody is focusing on the content which gives the illusion of facts and that something real is happening while on a spiritual level it is the background of the movement of your consciousness. It takes a lot of trust to let go of the content: the truth, who is right or wrong, If we get it or not, if we understand what the other is saying, if we come across in a right way, etc. There is so much distraction of the real stuff (movement of consciousness). Are you the expression of your authentic being or are you distracted by the power of the body’s 5 senses? Once we can detach from content we are moving to higher vibrational levels of our being.

Amethyst Wyldfyre: I work with energy myself all the time assisting people to become much more masterful not only in their own personal power but also in relationship to the energy field of their Divine Business – I know you talk about Emotions being Energy in Motion – could you go deeper though and share some of the science here that defines Energy in a broader way that transcends just the emotional/personal piece?

Roy Martina: Emotions do not exist in the realm of our Divinity, they are the labels we give the energy flow in our system. The flow of energy creates sensations on a neurological level and we give this a meaning. We say we are afraid or angry. But no emotion is 100% one thing. We go through a flow of energy changes and the so called emotions are a spectrum of different feelings. Every feeling has in its core a message of the past; actually they are unresolved issues of a long time ago. In real time there is a trigger in our external world that causes the brains to go back to an unresolved issue and bring that energetic pattern back to the surface for healing. But because we labelled it as an emotion we react externally or suppress it instead of grasping the opportunity to heal. So emotions are energy patterns by unresolved issues of the past and offer us a chance to heal the past. That is what the technique Emotional Balance is all about.


I hope you enjoyed this interview with Dr Roy Martina and that you’ll check out his book Emotional Balance: the path to inner peace and harmony at

Here’s why:

When you visit the page at the link above and request a “launch reminder”, you will automatically receive a FREE pass to Roy’s 4-day “Emotional Balance Telesummit” with a line up of 9 TOP international experts on the topic of emotional healing and inner balance. You can listen to the telesummit online in the comfort of your own home, and even ask questions during the broadcast. This is a completely free “no purchase necessary” gift from Roy, to celebrate the release of the new Hay House publication of his book.

Then, if you decide to you buy the book during its official launch celebration on Tuesday March 15, 2011, you can ALSO receive a complete library of over 40 beautiful personal development gifts from authors, speakers, healers, coaches and other enlightened professionals from around the globe. Including one from me…

FREE MP3 – Sounding to Grounding with Mikael

To claim your 4-Day Pass and read about the 40 free gifts, go to:

Thanks for reading! As usual, please feel free to share your comments and thoughts below. I love reading your feedback.

AND… be sure to follow Roy tomorrow when the next stop on the Virtual Blog Tour is Paula Tarrant who will be interviewing Roy on being worthy, our emotions and everyday spirituality. To visit that “stop” on the tour, go to either:

Is it true? Or is it false

“I need to work on eliminating my fear first, before I pursue my dreams.”

“My dream is best kept to myself until I have a clear plan of action.”

“People I trust have told me my dream is unrealistic, so I’m doomed to fail.”

“My dream is too big/small/silly/vague, and I need to find a better dream.”

“I’m happy, so I don’t have any dreams.”

“I don’t have enough (fill in the blank) to start now.”

“There’s no risk in staying put.”

All are 110% False. Yet, these beliefs and misconceptions undermine and sabotage people’s dreams every day. This is not okay.  And my friend , co-author and colleague, Dream Realization Coach, Tara Sage Steeves, is on a mission to change this.

She wants you to know…

• That what you want is not only possible, it’s probable.

• That there’s a proven process you can follow to “get there”.

• That you really don’t have to do it alone.

• That you really can start right now…putting yourself on an accelerated path to accessing and living the dreams in your heart, and create a life that you can’t wait to get-up-and-out-of-bed for in the morning! You are invited to join her for a very special FREE teleclass where she will be sharing how to identify, nurture and manifest your biggest, boldest dreams with the clarity, confidence, and unstoppable momentum that will have you well on your way to living even those dreams that you don’t tell anyone about or that feel out-of-reach, even impossible… “How to go from Dreaming to Reality in 9 Accelerated Steps!” Click HERE to register now and receive the call-in details right away!

Tara was a co-author with me in the BEST SELLING book A Juicy Joyful Life back in September of last year – you can get your OWN copy of the book if you like too: