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Respectfully borrowed from Google images original artist unknown to us

Join Mikael and I this afternoon at 1 PM for our monthly complimentary Divine Wealth Community call – this month we’ll be speaking about the masculine/feminine aspects of our being and how it’s time to bring them into Divine Union!  Inspired by the Dear Woman video and by our own inner urgings to speak about this topic – this month’s call is sure to be thought provoking and heart opening!  We hope you can make it live at 1 Eastern time – but if not – please sign up anyway RIGHT HERE so we can get you the recording!

Loving your light,

Amethyst  & Mikael

Checking in from SNOW COVERED NH – Man o Man we have about 18 inches – Winter has OFFICIALLY arrived!

My Radio Show!

Thanks God for the plow guys – they came twice and because I like to take EXTRA SPECIAL care of my plow guys I decided this afternoon that I’d back some cookies after I finished my radio show (did you get a chance to listen in to the show?? Today’s was a good one – Ann Convery talked to us – her talk was “If I’m So Brilliant – Why Won’t They Buy?” lot’s of JUICY info in this one – Blazing Forth The Light )

So right after the show I started cooking and wouldn’t you know – the plow guys came and started the driveway – just before I took the first batch of choco chippers out of the oven they finished up my walk – I gave them each an apple, a bottle of water and a plate of warm fresh from the oven oooey gooey cookies.  Now that’s the way to ensure that I receive SUPERIOR Service this winter while SIMULTANEOUSLY acknowledging that these men are people too and deserve to be honored for their service to me!

Fairly exchanging energy is really important to me – sure they are getting paid – and sure I’m getting the snow cleared – but why not just add a little LOVE to the mix and send them back out into the world with a bit of Light to share with their next customers?
Energy Evaluation – today was about a 5 – pretty even keeled and steady all day long – a quiet day but productive.   I felt like I was just chugging along.  Had our first BRIDGE THE GAP call today (find out about that at )  It was really awesome and I did some channeling from the Element of Water while my Divine Partner – Mikael Sami Kumara did a dharma talk on the I AM presence.  We added in some sounding too with the crystal singing bowl.  A good solid day of connecting, writing, serving, painting and cookie baking.  Satisfying!

Want to know more about energy and learning how to manage and master your personal power, match it up with your passionate purpose and create positive impact and profitable results?? Visit my OTHER Blog –!   Take our SCORE your Business Quiz and get on our mailing list for our Monthly EZINE – The Energy Edge!

Please comment on this post to if you are inspired to do so!  I appreciate your feedback!  I’m engaged in the Ultimate Blog Challenge this month – are you? Http://

I’m in the Sassy Mastermind – one of Lisa Sasevich’s highly invested clients – this weekend is her big event BIG MISSION, BIG SALES, BIG LIFE – and I’m home.

I have to tell you it’s bittersweet – I’m here for a few reasons. First off I’m here because this is my weekend to be mom. Last year mom did a lot of traveling – mom made a mistake thinking that the boy was old enough now and could handle her absence – in mom’s absence some stuff happened – normal stuff – teenage stuff – stuff that is expected – but wasn’t really expected for some reason by me. It’s not my fault that the stuff happened but it triggered an old wound – another time when mom was absent – a time long ago when the boy was a toddler – and that old wound is still healing I guess. Guilt is a heavy thing – it can really hobble your forward movement. Working my own medicine on this one is part of what is happening while I sit here with my calendar clear on the days that were booked for me to attend this event.

I’m here because I made some big investment choices this year that just didn’t turn out the way I had planned. I invested my $$ in the creation and production of the 6 Figure Speakers Summit and while everything on the OUTSIDE looked like it was perfectly in place to be a big success – on the inside something else all together was going on – which was reflected in a big way in the financial results from the event. I invested heavily in Kevin Nations Love Mastermind at the Diamond level – a decision that was guided by my heart – and was completely irrational if you looked at it from the practical perspective – one that has already paid off and will continue to pay off for the rest of my life in terms of what I’m learning – and I’ve been sabotaging my own progress – repeatedly in this program. I invested in staying on with Lisa again for another year – again a decision guided by the heart and not really practical financially based upon my other present obligations – another choice that has paid off HANDSOMELY and will continue for the rest of my life to pay off – I’ve sabotaged myself here too – not following the program – but needing to do it “MY” way – has cost – Lisa told me in the spring to be careful of doing a summit – did I listen??? NO! (Old trauma with authority figures and teachers maybe?)

I’m also here because I need to be – I need to have some down time – I need to rest – I need to integrate – I need to re-focus – I need to let go of some more stuff inner and outer – I need to be ok with being here instead of being there – I need to accept that at least for the time being I have yet to master being in two places physically at the same time – and truth be told I need to SLOW DOWN and be much more mindful about exactly how and where I’m spending my time, money and energy. I have been making mistakes – too many of them for my liking – also exactly what I need to be doing – in order to have some learning – about myself – about what motivates me – about what I want to motivate me.  I need to forgive myself for all of them – every single one.

I’m sitting here in this space – happy too!  I am happy for the extra time with my son – who is now over my head and out the door most of the time – happy for the extra time with my Divine Business Partner Mikael Sami-Kumara – happy that we spent the second half of today in deep ceremony and ritual interacting with the energy field and the Deva of our divine business and happy that I have the opportunity to create some beauty in my home – I started painting my spare bedroom and beading area at mid-day – a lovely shade – Midwest Spring – a beautiful relaxing and invigorating blue – pictures to come!  I am happy I have some time to write too! It feels like it’s been too long since I wrote from the heart. I am happy that I made time to make a nice big pot of soup – Portobella Mushroom and Lentil – haven’t made that since last winter.  I’m happy doing all the little things that make me happy – even cleaned out the garage yesterday when I would otherwise have been flying – put all the  yard furniture away for the winter too.

Today I gave myself a little gift – to some it might not seem like one but to me it really was! I spent the morning – the morning that was booked on my calendar as a day to be sitting in one of those seats – sitting at my desk instead – I spent the entire morning – sorting through my pictures folder and uploading my favorite Rose photos to my Fine Art America online gallery. You know what??? I LOVED it – I LOVE LOVE LOVE these photos – I’m not done yet with this little project and every folder I open is holding magical surprises for me – I am taken to the moments when the beauty was captured – I am taken out into nature into the time of abundant blossoming – I am returned to the early promise of spring and the growing season of summer – I am reminded of one of my many gifts – a gift that may or may not be as highly valued in the marketplace as some of my other gifts, but one that is CERTAINLY valuable to me. I am grateful that I have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. I know when it’s time to act and when to be still. I am returned to a remembrance of trust and knowing that all is exactly as it should be in this moment. I am at peace.

Love lights us! Peace is in you!
Joy is your Birthright – Beauty is to be Honored and Celebrated

Pink Butterfly

Greetings and blessings of love and light to all who are receiving this message!

You know we are in a time of great change – you feel it – you experience it and you may even be a conscious catalyst for the changes yourself!

Old paradigms and ways of being that now no longer serve are falling away. New paradigms are being born – and you have a choice.

You can choose to hang on with all your might overwhelmed by fear of losing what is known and comfortable for you or you can choose  to embrace the changes or even dare I say INITIATE them!

We are at the 10.10.10 gateway. The last year or so since the 999 has been a year of completion – of wrapping up and integrating all the lessons of the decade just passed. Now we are at the portal again – another portal that initiates the next phase of our evolution.

The 101010 marks the entryway to a time of even more accelerated growth and even more rapid awakening of the global consciousness. Those who are poised now to serve the awakened ones will be co-creating and stabilizing new structures, new systems, new beliefs, new thoughtforms and newly synthesized mergers of ancient knowledge that has been distilled to it’s essence and re-combined to create deeper understanding of our soul and our purpose for being here.

Conscious (awakened) entrepreneurs are leading the shift and the entrepreneurial journey itself is a vessel for creation and presentation to the world of messages and paradigm shifting missions and movements.


Mikael Sami Kumara


As many of you who have been following me know – my own journey has been one of continuous change, growth and refinement. The time for consciously creating change has arrived for me too and I stand at this gateway letting go of the old and welcoming the new right along with all of you! I want to thank you for being a part of my journey and a member of the Energy Journey Community. I am happy to announce that I am now going to be Joyfully and DIVINELY partnered in my mission with a business partner who has been working with me behind the scenes since the beginning of this year to co-create and solidify our Signature Program the Core Path Intensive and our unique branded system – the SCORE your Spiritually Energized Entrepreneurial Success System.

Mikael Sami Kumara and I held a day of ceremony yesterday – cementing our relationship at the energetic level, with the intent of moving toward greater balance and unity. We co-created three different despachos (gift/prayer bundles for Mother Earth) which were burned in fire ceremony last night to welcome the new moon.

One of the things we’ll be doing in the coming months is going through all of what I have created and deciding what needs to die and what needs to be reborn with the addition of his energy and creativity to better serve more people to shift their energy and come into a conscious, active and aware relationship with their own personal power and capacity to create change in the world.  That will include some re-design and re-alignment of the Energy Journey site to better reflect how we stand now in the world in Divine Partnership.

Together we are actively serving evolving entrepreneurs through The Energy site and we invite anyone who is visiting to please join our list there! We welcome you to help yourself to our GIFTS  by visiting the site’s gifts page HERE! –  where you will be able to subscribe to our ezine The Energy Edge and we also have a nice audio meditation there for you, as well as an opportunity to apply for a  complimentary SEE Session (Strategic Energy Evaluation).

You will be receiving another notification in  the next few days inviting you to an open call on 10/14/10 introducing you to Mikael – we’ll be opening the lines for your questions about energy and about the changes we are all initiating now at the energetic level as we move through this 101010. Later this month we’ll also be hosting another complimentary call to re-present “Everybody Channels and U Can 2!”. If this resonates for you – we look forward to your presence.

Thank you so much for your presence on my journey!

Peace is in you – Love lights us – Joy is your birthright!


PS:  I am also sitting with and wondering about this particular blog site and am open to feedback as to whether the content that has been appearing here is of value to you – I need to decide where best to invest my time and energy – as I am now going to spending some of my time just sorting through and working out how to do business with a partner!  That being said – I do enjoy a place to creatively express my own thoughts – separate from our business – so I may continue with this blog – in any case I’d love to hear whether it has been serving you!