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I received the notification from the lovely lady in Michigan who decided Archangel Haniel was going to live with her!

Bye Bye to the old and HELLO to the New!

Here’s what she said:

“She is here! And, she is so beautiful. Thank you Amethyst!”

As promised I wanted to share all three of the channelings from my book Celestial Voices – so here’s the last one:

Archangel Haniel

I AM the Archangel Haniel.  Relax and open your sensory body to my presence.  I bring you reminders of your deep capacity to sense and feel the environment and the web of life that surrounds you.  We must practice together for so many of you have forgotten the fine art of opening, receiving, and enjoying the sensory delights that are ever present for you here in the Garden.  Open and receive.  Attune to the magical, mystical and material realms.  Let us begin. 

Take a moment dear ones and breathe with me, opening the heart, opening the lungs and opening the nostrils to receive.  Breathe in. Breathe in through the nostrils.  Sense, if you can, the slightest of vibrations, as the life force, the breath moves into your body at the edge of your nostrils.  Take a moment.  Concentrate.  Breathe in, breathe out. 

Feel the breath as it enters the body, expanding the body, enlivening and illuminating the body, nourishing and nurturing the body as the body opens and relaxes into receiving and releasing.  Release, let go, surrender to this breath, to this moment, to this sensation.  Now rest.  Rest in the sensation and mastery of your own capacity to draw in the life force and to release and relax into being. 

As you relax and surrender further and further into being allow yourself to notice.  Notice sensation.  Notice the scents, the sounds, the vibrations, the visual stimulus within your environment, within your present moment, within your sacred space.  Notice and if you can, focus, focus on one stimulus.   Focus your attention on one thing within your present moment that has attracted you.  Perhaps a sound, perhaps a scent, perhaps a texture, perhaps a sight. 

Now, in this moment, allow yourself to fully explore, to completely investigate, to the exclusion of all else, everything there is to discern about this stimulus. As you proceed with your investigation, see, if you can, whether you are able to also hold an awareness of yourself as the observer.  How has this stimulus affected you?  Are you able to maintain your concentration upon the stimulus while simultaneously attending to the awareness of your own response to the stimulus and your capacity to concentrate.  Therein lies mastery Dear Ones, mastery of this plane of Duality.

For at the deepest levels of Truth and through this practice of dual observation the Oneness of all Creation emerges.  As you master Duality, the Unity is revealed.  Be present for yourself and be patient for this truly is a practice, and an ancient one at that, that has been lost to you for quite some time.  Give yourself time and practice to re-ignite the atrophied muscles of observation.  Open and receive.  Relax and release. 

Practice and play with your re-discovered capacities.  Allow yourself to be guided into the stillness that will re-inforce and re-inform you.  Inhale the life force and relax into Being.  Open your Heart, open your sensory and extrasensory fields and be informed by your whole environment.  Allow all aspects of nature, both the seen and the unseen, permission to enter into your awareness.  For this is the home and place of guidance for you on your sacred journey.  Stop a moment and rest.  Take a breath and get your bearings.  Directions to your next phase of the journey are awaiting you. 

Merely invite your own presence to slow down, stop and observe.  Know that your full apparatus for navigating this journey is fully functional and awaits your use.  Call upon me and my brothers and sisters in the Celestial Realms to assist with fine tuning.  We are ever present and always at your service.

Open to receive our love and guidance.  Invite us in to play and practice with you.  Know that our love is ever present around you for you are truly one of our own, embodied angels.  Materialized and formed from the elemental particles of Mother Earth and glued together by the life force energy of the Great Spirit.  Universal, Intelligent, Creative and Alive in the truest and best sense of the word – the meeting place where matter and spirit merge, the crucibles of miracles, the channels of the highest vibrations. 

Be at peace and remember who you are as we journey joyfully into and through the evolutionary spiral of Lovelight, laughing and singing all the way.  We are the champions of the World.  I AM the Archangel Haniel and I Love you.

I hope you enjoyed this message – comments are welcome, visits to the art website are welcome – I do still have other originals available check them out in the GALLERY   and if you are looking for a reproduction on canvas or framed and matted giclee or as a greeting card then you can stop by my other online gallery at FINE ART AMERICA where you’ll find some pretty rocking awesome photographs too!

Pure Potential, Limitless Beauty!

Last week I had a sweet surprise in my inbox – someone had an angel reading and Haniel came through for her – she’d never heard of Haniel before so went looking online and lo and behold she discovered my rendition of Haniel in full BLOOM and immediately took decisive action to buy and bring Haniel to Michigan!  She found Haniel at my old online gallery where I still have a number of my originals out there for sale.  I’ve also got prints available in newer online gallery at Fine Art America.

What I love about my Vibrational Power Paintings is that they were intentionally created to carry a healing vibration with them wherever they land – right now I have all the Goddesses hanging in a local Curves – healing and inspiring women as they take care of their bodies.   There is something so JOYFUL that happens inside my heart when a sacred steward comes along and claims one!  It was especially fun to reconnect with the wonderful woman at the Postal Center where Haniel was packed and shipped – we got to laugh and chat and talk about what has unfolded in her life (she got a divorce and is now happily learning Portuguese and how to do Brazilian Dance) since we last connected.  She was very excited to see me and Haniel and took good care of the details of getting Haniel ready to go on journey.

To celebrate this momentous occasion I’m posting all three of the channeled messages that came through from Haniel as her contribution to our book Celestial Voices – An Invitation To Ascension from the Archangels – (no more print copies are available at this time – but you can purchase this as an ebook if you like!)

Here’s the 2nd Channeled message for your pleasure and delight!

Archangel Haniel

I AM the Archangel Haniel, Lover and nurturer of the Natural world.  Seeds from heaven and the Archangelic Realms are being planted now.  Seeds of Love.  Seeds of Light.  Each seed lovingly placed, carefully and perfectly deposited into every human heart.  Seeds that will be activated, vibrated, accelerated over the coming weeks, months and years. 

As each seed begins its germination process, higher and higher levels of light will manifest in your Earth realm.  Gaia herself is quickening too with the multitude of seeds that have been planted within her heart.  For you dear children, you Light bringers, you Beacons, you have come to bring the living light into the Heart of the World and to shift all of humanity with your mere presence.  Yes Dear Ones – You! 

And truly the term Light Worker can now be deleted from your vocabulary.  Yes, it’s true! For there is now upon you a time where this “work” is no longer “work” shall we say?  No indeed, now dear children it is the time for play!  Joyous, exuberant, passionate, fully engaged, glorious, exciting, stimulating, enchanting, enticing, magical play! 

Play, play, play all day!  Play to your Heart’s content.  Know that in your joyous and full expression of the “Lighter” side of your selves that you are serving so perfectly and precisely to shift the entire vibrational matrix of the planet to the realm of peace and light.  You dearest Light Bearers are truly the models and your actions and your attitudes, your positive loving thoughts and deeds are truly the catalysts for deep and profound and perfect transformation. 

Let us look at that word shall we?  Trans-form-ation – Actively changing form.  Precisely!  You are actively changing the form of each and every construct, each and every relationship, each and every system, each and every pattern, throughout your entire realm.  Every ONE.  All that you have been told up until now, all that you believe to be “true” is turning upside down and inside out.  Being de-constructed, leaving behind only the sacred core of eternal truth which is Love.  Everything else must go. 

A clean slate, a fresh canvas, a blank page is now in formation.  That’s right!  The deconstruction process proceeds apace of the in-formation process.  For everything in the universe is mutable, and nothing ever can disappear from the Universal matrix for all that is, was or ever will be is here, now and always will be!  Just a magnificent panorama of ever changing form.  As the forms change, You! You! YOU! have the joy, the pure pleasure, the total abandon of conscious co-creation with the essential Source and Force that IS the I AM.  The central organizing principal of the Universe – LOVE.  Yes children that is what we call this core.  LOVE. 

So children open your hearts, open your minds, open your bodies.  Welcome the de-construction.  Welcome the in-formation.  Be open, give and receive, enter with all of your being into the pure, unadulterated, clear consciousness of LOVE.  I AM the Archangel Haniel and I LOVE YOU!

Please let me know how you receive this message – where does it touch you – how are you activated – does Haniel speak to you?
In passionate service,


Original Vibrational Power Painting of Archangel Haniel @2006 by Amethyst Wyldfyre

I’m SO excited – today someone from Michigan acquired Archangel Haniel! Haniel is traveling to a new steward to bless and heal and ignite and blossom the hearts and beings of the people who will view her! In celebration I thought it would be nice to share some of the channeled messages that came through from Haniel after creation. Three written and one audio – over the next few days/weeks!

Here is the first: *(Excerpted from the book Celestial Voices – An Invitation to Ascension from the Archangels- available now only in EBOOK form here:

Archangel Haniel

“Beloved children of the light, enjoy the quickening of the Beautiful Mother here in the Northern Hemisphere as Father Sun returns to warm the soil and loosen the earth for planting. Now is the time children, now is the time. Think and act with great care and clear intention for your dreams are manifesting at a most accelerated rate!

We in the Archangelic Realm are gently watching over and working with you as you grow, grow, grow, into the light of the New Day. Know that you are well and truly loved by your Creator and that all of heaven is surrounding you with Love-Light. Play beautiful music, surround yourself with early spring flowers, clear your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual space for the coming of the Golden Rays which will begin to penetrate your atmosphere and intensify your growing process so very, very soon.

Keep your hearts tuned to the light and remember that all is well and that peace prevails as you hold the vibration of peace within your matrix. I thank you for your beloved attention and send you angel kisses and wrap you in wings of love. Beloved Haniel, Archangel of Nurturance and Growth.

Let me know what your thoughts/feelings are as you receive this message – allow the frequency of Haniel’s words to echo through your soul – let yourself be in Divine Union with the natural rhythms and cycles of the Great Mother!

Peace is in you,


Have you ever had one of “those” days where something happened to set you off and you ended up ensnared in a huge emotional turmoil?  Had one of those yesterday – months of “holding it together” finally fell apart and it was MESSY!!!

I’m not one who enjoys the crying process – I do understand it’s benefits and I am fully aware that tears loosen the soil of a hardened heart but who ever had the bright idea that “You’ll feel better after a good cry” was smokin something funny let me tell you.

I had an afternoon, evening and into the night crying extravaganza yesterday.  I got started and just could not stop – not for anything – even when I went out to get a much needed self care massage appointment and it was so stinking cold that the tears were freezing to my face.  I couldn’t stop on the massage table – and you know when you get in to that face cradle thing? – I couldn’t breathe through my nose at all and things were getting pretty dribbly in that area too – yuck.

By the time the crying jag was finally over about 10:44 last night I still couldn’t breathe and my head was pounding and my face felt like it had been hit by a sledgehammer.  So much for feeling better after a good cry!

Now I work with energy and I teach my clients to do their best to hold the transformations that they are experiencing at the energetic level – however the teacher has not been following her own guidance lately because if I had I would have noticed the subtle signs, the little cracks in the foundation and the movement towards change that was already in the works.  I would have “tuned” in and ASKED FOR HELP from the “upstairs team” and from my earth team of supporters.

Alas that was NOT the case and so I turned into a blubbering mass of mucous and saline yesterday and woke up this morning looking like one of those ladies in the BEFORE picture for plastic surgery with GIGANDAMUNDO bags under my eyes and a still throbbing face ache.

Thanks God for energy work though!  After finally getting myself in motion this morning my partner and I were hosting the final call for this month in our Bridge the Gap Program and after he opened the call it was time to open the lines for interaction which I was figuring I would lead and would allow me some additional space because ostensibly some of our clients would be talking!

Original Vibrational Power Painting of Master Hilarion @2007 by Amethyst Wyldfyre

Well of course on today’s call nobody wanted to talk – in fact my guess is there weren’t that many on live – most of our people may be listening via the recording later so what do you do when that happens? Here’s this big open space unfilled and no body is talking and it’s my turn and I’m having this “health expression” of headache, coughing, runny nose going on which was part of the PHYSICAL clearing of density that I have been accumulating in my field (good energetic HYGIENE is as important as dental HYGIENE – ESPECIALLY for someone like me who is working with people all the time who are releasing).

What to do?  Well here’s what I did.   I stopped thinking about what was going to happen next.  I let go of my need to control the situation and “show up looking good”.  I allowed myself to be where I was at.  I got quiet.  I listened.  I OPENED my channel and lo and behold – who was there but Master Hilarion – the Chohan of the Emerald Ray of Truth and Transparency.  So I channeled him on through and it was an AMAZING gift – to the listeners and to ME.

By the time the call was complete and with the assistance of that magnificent Emerald FIRE I felt a LOT better.  Throughout the channeling I was still coughing and sniffling and in fact it was actually getting worse during the transmission so I KNEW that the Emerald Ray was working on my light body really thoroughly!   Maybe whoever it was who said you feel better after a good cry was working with Hilarion and just didn’t know it.

I feel now like yesterday’s cry (coupled with another biggie from December) were the outward evidence of the inner breakdown that has to happen when you are calling in a whole new level of showing up in the world.  Time will tell.  It always does.   Meanwhile – just in case – I stocked up on Puffs Plus (with lotion) tissues this morning…..

What do you do when you reach your end point?  Have you ever gone “over the edge” with yourself?  Did you know that lack of self care and inability to honor your own needs is a pattern of behavior that can show up and wreak havoc in your BUSINESS too?  If you are a Passionpreneur – you are PASSIONATE of that there is no doubt and passion is an emotional body state that can carry you away.  It’s a beautiful thing to be carried away by passion.  It’s also a beautiful thing to find your way home to peace, harmony and contentment.  Finding your way sometimes requires a little (ok sometimes it requires a LOT) of help.  Have you asked for help for yourself lately?  Have you been getting YOUR needs met?

Want to know more about energy, releasing patterns of behavior and learning how to manage and master your personal power, match it up with your passionate purpose and create positive impact and profitable results?? Visit my OTHER Blog –! Take our SCORE your Business Quiz and get on our mailing list for our Monthly EZINE – The Energy Edge!

Like the art?  This one is for sale – you can go on over to AWGallery Direct to check it out – you can also find more of my fine art and photography on my Fine Art America site

Please comment on this post to if you are inspired to do so! I appreciate your feedback!

I so love Sunday’s the energy of this day is so sweet – relaxed – open – flowing.  I had an awesome yoga practice this morning after sleeping in and enjoying a leisurely awakening.  Are you awakening?  There are so many people now who are experiencing awakening that I am just filled with joy at the possibilities for co-creating a dreamy world that we have right here in front of us and for recognizing that the world that we live on is actually a place of infinite beauty.

We had a snow storm last week and the whole landscape here now is covered up with a blanket of sparkling white – beauty every where you look – the sun twinkling on the reflective surface.   It’s a special time of year here in the northeast – a time when we are invited to slow ourselves down and really align with the natural rhythm of our Mother planet.  We are invited to interrupt our “normal” flow of activities to go outside – to connect with nature – to admire the beauty and the pristine nature of a clean slate – it’s a lovely time to start the year off fresh.

I’ve been painting lately – with my hands – not using brushes at all – everything on the canvas lands there through my fingers. I did my first painting this way late in the summer of last year and was inspired to get another canvas a few weeks ago.  I finished the painting this week in between phone calls to various colleagues and working on other areas of my business.  Even though I do enjoy the beauty of all this winter white – I admit that I also have a deep desire to be somewhere for at least part of the winter months where I can experience sunshine and palm trees!  That’s what emerged out of my hands over the last few weeks – please enjoy the finished product below:

I do love my creative life.  So important to make the space for it – to open up the windows of time that allow you to be serene, relaxed, flowing and connected without a whole lot of structure.  It’s amazing what insights and creations can emerge when we let go of having to have things come about in a certain way.

May you enjoy the energy of this day – Sunday’s – in fact EVERY Day – can be filled with sacredness and wonder.


If you enjoy my painting above – you might enjoy my other work which can be found in my online gallery – if you are a reader of this blog you may notice that I’m a MULTIDIMENSIONAL being – I actually “do” a lot of different things – all of which bring me blessings and delight.  You are probably Multidimensional too!  Maybe you just haven’t unleashed that yet!  If you are interested in guidance in your own Multidimensional unfolding I have a very limited number of openings available for Multidimensional Mentoring – please fill out the application for a SEE Session form found on the tab at the top of this post and we’ll SEE if there’s a fit for us to work together.   I get a lot of applications – not everyone is a fit or will be called back for an appointment but if it’s a great fit you can be sure we’ll be in touch to schedule something with you!


Because I joined the Ultimate Blog Challenge ( when it was already underway I decided to do two posts a day for a while anyway so that I can fulfill my commitment to myself to get all 31 posts done before the 31st – so this is the EVENING POST (no not the magazine!!)

I thought it would be valuable to share a technique that I suggest to my clients to help them to learn how to raise awareness of the ebbs and flows of their own energy or personal power.  What I suggest is that they do a daily evaluation – on a scale of 1 – 10 1 being I FEEL LIKE A SLUG PLEASE DON”T MAKE ME MOVE and 10 being I FEEL LIKE I JUST WON THE LOTTERY HAD AN ORGASM ATE CHOCOLATE AND RODE THE ROLLERCOASTER WITH MY ARMS UP!

Graphing your Results shows you the Ups and Downs!

Most of the time we’ll find ourselves somewhere in between of course – the point of the exercise is to track for yourself each day for at least 60 and preferably 90 days  – then GRAPH your results to see the patterns of your own Natural Cycles.  When you know your own cycle then you can plan your life around your own NATURE.  How cool is that?
Today’s Energy Evaluation for me personally is about 7.  I had a good day overall – got some things accomplished, had a sweet lunch where I got to know a colleague in the SASSY Mastermind that I’m in with Lisa Sasevich (who by the way is getting ready to do a HUGE event in February to teach all about Event Profit Secrets – this lady knows how do make PROFIT and then some on events – at her last event she grossed over $2 million AND was able to raise an additional $180,000 for the EWoman Network Foundation!), added some waves to the painting I’m creating and then had a massage and dinner.  Overall a pretty yummy day!

Painting in Progress

Would you like to join me with your OWN Evening Energy Evaluation?  Please feel free to do so via a comment!

Want to know more about energy and learning how to manage and master your personal power, match it up with your passionate purpose and create positive impact and profitable results?? Visit my OTHER Blog –!   Take our SCORE your Business Quiz and get on our mailing list for our Monthly EZINE – The Energy Edge!

Please comment on this post to if you are inspired to do so!  I appreciate your feedback!

If you like my ART – you might want to check out my FINE ART GALLERY where you can peruse my original acrylics and flower and food photography!

I AM Hecate and I call upon you now to descend with me in to the sacred realm of the Lower World.  The time has come now for each of you that are engaged in this process of awakening and ascension to descend with me into the darkest corners of your soul where I will invite  you to shine the everlasting light of your awareness.

Here in the depths, in the nooks and crannies of your psyche many gifts, treasures and inner strengths lie awaiting your presence.  Here they wait in the patient stillness and inky darkness for you to come and to retrieve them.  Some say that the greatest fear among men is the fear of death and I say it is not death that most fear rather it is the fear of exploring these inner realms, facing the old wounds, and retrieving the lost gifts that is the greatest challenge for many.  For what would then occur if these gifts were found, retrieved and reintegrated within the sacred self? Why nothing less than the life of your grandest dreams!  Life, not death is more fearful.

The courage to go in and to explore these dark places is not awakened in so many out in the larger world.  They need beacons, navigators, heroes like yourselves, to guide and lead them through the twists and turns of the inner landscape, around the curving pathways of the labyrinth, into the chambers, passageways and seemingly blind alleys of the lost realms of the lower world.  They need the stories shared of deep inner work and self exploration. They need to know that as challenging and fear filled and strenuous as the journey may seem at the outset that the treasures retrieved and the strengths gained are valuable beyond measure.

All of you who are engaged in this work are being abundantly and infinitely supported by me and my sisters in light the Great Goddesses who know and can guide you easily and gracefully through this inner journey.  Know with each visit in and through the lower world you’ll become more and more familiar with the territory.  Make a map for yourself in your mind and return often to visit and update this map.  With each visit the terrain will become more and more familiar to you and you will experience greater ease in your ability to seek out and reconcile that which is calling itself to be reunited within you.  Each entry will strengthen and transform you further and will shift the energy of your field into greater and greater levels of alignment with your true destiny.  Each wounding healed each lost soul part returned, each gift retrieved will further enrich you at every level of your being.

Any challenge present in your outer world can be actively pursued to its core experience in your inner world and with the light of your awareness and active participation in its clearing and re-scripting can be shifted through all levels of your being transformed, transmuted and transcended.  This descent and clearing process is vital at this time and the call for it is showing up everywhere in your external creations.  Like  the tower in the tarot, crumbling and falling down, any creations that have been built upon an unhealed foundation must go and the healing, clearing, and integration of the lost or abandoned gifts and must take place in order for a more unified, stronger, more harmonious, prosperous and beauty filled creation to unfold.  No true ascension can occur without first making the descent, many times perhaps, for it is here in this work that the fuel, the energy, and the tools needed for the ascent are to be found.

Call upon me, call upon me often, come and visit with me, allow me to enfold you within my embrace.  I AM here and ever present to assist, to guide, to empower, to encourage, to strengthen, to sustain, to nurture, and to support you on these journeys.  Often I see the thought forms rise up in the mental body that say “But I don’t have the time, energy, finances, what ever, to pursue this work.” I say to you now you do and you can.  In fact you can not afford to ignore this work for it will call to you in ever stronger and more obvious ways in your outer world sometimes creating great pain and suffering until you do answer the call.  Some have called these experiences the dark night of the soul and so much fear has built up around this process.

This is a death of sorts of course.  It is the death of “playing it safe”, the death of living a superficial life, the death of excuses, the death of the slow death of those who are not really fully living up to their divine potential.  You may be fearful, but I am here to hold your hand.  I ask you now in this moment to take the leap of faith into your own ability to navigate these dark places, the fate in your own inner light to illuminate every corner.  I am with you and will guide you in each moment.   Come with me now.  Your treasures await!

The original acrylic painting of Hecate is available for sale – also available as a print through my gallery at FINE ART

Navigational Divine Wisdom Guidance for the Inner Journey is available as well – if you are interested in exploring the possibility of becoming an apprentice through the Core Path – The Energy Foundations for Divine Wealth Intensive – please apply for consideration at

I’m in the Sassy Mastermind – one of Lisa Sasevich’s highly invested clients – this weekend is her big event BIG MISSION, BIG SALES, BIG LIFE – and I’m home.

I have to tell you it’s bittersweet – I’m here for a few reasons. First off I’m here because this is my weekend to be mom. Last year mom did a lot of traveling – mom made a mistake thinking that the boy was old enough now and could handle her absence – in mom’s absence some stuff happened – normal stuff – teenage stuff – stuff that is expected – but wasn’t really expected for some reason by me. It’s not my fault that the stuff happened but it triggered an old wound – another time when mom was absent – a time long ago when the boy was a toddler – and that old wound is still healing I guess. Guilt is a heavy thing – it can really hobble your forward movement. Working my own medicine on this one is part of what is happening while I sit here with my calendar clear on the days that were booked for me to attend this event.

I’m here because I made some big investment choices this year that just didn’t turn out the way I had planned. I invested my $$ in the creation and production of the 6 Figure Speakers Summit and while everything on the OUTSIDE looked like it was perfectly in place to be a big success – on the inside something else all together was going on – which was reflected in a big way in the financial results from the event. I invested heavily in Kevin Nations Love Mastermind at the Diamond level – a decision that was guided by my heart – and was completely irrational if you looked at it from the practical perspective – one that has already paid off and will continue to pay off for the rest of my life in terms of what I’m learning – and I’ve been sabotaging my own progress – repeatedly in this program. I invested in staying on with Lisa again for another year – again a decision guided by the heart and not really practical financially based upon my other present obligations – another choice that has paid off HANDSOMELY and will continue for the rest of my life to pay off – I’ve sabotaged myself here too – not following the program – but needing to do it “MY” way – has cost – Lisa told me in the spring to be careful of doing a summit – did I listen??? NO! (Old trauma with authority figures and teachers maybe?)

I’m also here because I need to be – I need to have some down time – I need to rest – I need to integrate – I need to re-focus – I need to let go of some more stuff inner and outer – I need to be ok with being here instead of being there – I need to accept that at least for the time being I have yet to master being in two places physically at the same time – and truth be told I need to SLOW DOWN and be much more mindful about exactly how and where I’m spending my time, money and energy. I have been making mistakes – too many of them for my liking – also exactly what I need to be doing – in order to have some learning – about myself – about what motivates me – about what I want to motivate me.  I need to forgive myself for all of them – every single one.

I’m sitting here in this space – happy too!  I am happy for the extra time with my son – who is now over my head and out the door most of the time – happy for the extra time with my Divine Business Partner Mikael Sami-Kumara – happy that we spent the second half of today in deep ceremony and ritual interacting with the energy field and the Deva of our divine business and happy that I have the opportunity to create some beauty in my home – I started painting my spare bedroom and beading area at mid-day – a lovely shade – Midwest Spring – a beautiful relaxing and invigorating blue – pictures to come!  I am happy I have some time to write too! It feels like it’s been too long since I wrote from the heart. I am happy that I made time to make a nice big pot of soup – Portobella Mushroom and Lentil – haven’t made that since last winter.  I’m happy doing all the little things that make me happy – even cleaned out the garage yesterday when I would otherwise have been flying – put all the  yard furniture away for the winter too.

Today I gave myself a little gift – to some it might not seem like one but to me it really was! I spent the morning – the morning that was booked on my calendar as a day to be sitting in one of those seats – sitting at my desk instead – I spent the entire morning – sorting through my pictures folder and uploading my favorite Rose photos to my Fine Art America online gallery. You know what??? I LOVED it – I LOVE LOVE LOVE these photos – I’m not done yet with this little project and every folder I open is holding magical surprises for me – I am taken to the moments when the beauty was captured – I am taken out into nature into the time of abundant blossoming – I am returned to the early promise of spring and the growing season of summer – I am reminded of one of my many gifts – a gift that may or may not be as highly valued in the marketplace as some of my other gifts, but one that is CERTAINLY valuable to me. I am grateful that I have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. I know when it’s time to act and when to be still. I am returned to a remembrance of trust and knowing that all is exactly as it should be in this moment. I am at peace.

Love lights us! Peace is in you!
Joy is your Birthright – Beauty is to be Honored and Celebrated

Pink Butterfly

Butterfly Woman

Greetings of Love and Beauty to You Children of Illumination, I AM Butterfly Woman and I come to you today to speak of changes both Great and small that are ever in the process of unfolding in your watery world of reflection. As you know change is an ever present reality and can be faced by you in any number of ways. How you choose to navigate the clear and present changes now imminent in your journey can either strengthen or diminish your vital force.

The vital force that you have within you is your fuel, the fuel for your physical body and the fuel for your journey on this Earthwalk. There is a broad spectrum of change experiences that you will be called upon to navigate and a broad variety of responses you can choose to manifest from total resistance to complete acceptance and every point in between.

Notice when small changes are called for in your world. Notice your responses. Notice your thoughts and feelings around the very idea of change and unpredictability or uncertainty. Can you in your noticing discern another way? Can you learn in each experience and new way to dance-to dance with yourself and to dance with change?
Just noticing, at every opportunity, your own responses, gives you an invaluable gift. This gift, the gift of self-knowledge, has enfolded within it many other gifts. The gift of discernment, which allows you to see a situation for what it truly is; the gift of choice, allowing you the opportunity to try a different way; and finally the gift of awareness, awareness of yourself, awareness of your environment, awareness of the potential before you, and awareness of your own innate strengths, powers and capacity to draw to you and through you all that you need and want, to experience a life of beauty, joy, and bliss.

Allow me to aid you in your journey. Allow me to be a model, a guide of sorts in the fine art of acceptance of what is and the embracing of the change process. The observe the life cycle of the butterfly notice the profound and magical alchemy that unfolds in this simple four part cycle of change. Take the lessons from this cycle to apply them to your own life cycles and challenges. Where are you in your process? Egg, Caterpillar, cocoon, or emergent winged one?

Self awareness of your place within the cycle will help you to move into a state of acceptance and grace and will allow you to support yourself within your own process. All around you the world is changing. Your own magical and unique process of change is a contributing factor to the global and larger universal changes that are now in process. At every level change is afoot. As you learn and experience a cascade of change opportunities you begin to harness your own power to direct your energy to effect change in a positive way for yourself and your planetary matrix. Each choice to accept the changes within and without, to surrender to the process of transformation, to go with the flow, to make the leap of faith and to embrace the journey results in greater and greater capacity to facilitate an easy passage for yourself and to model that way for those around you to see they have the choice to do the same.

Remember that there is an enormous amount of assistance available to you from all levels of light. Call upon your relations. Call upon your brothers and sisters in the many kingdoms, the plant, the mineral, and the animal kingdoms. Call on your brothers and sisters of light on your present plane of reality. There are more and more beings who have moved through a significant portion of the Universal change process who are
available to assist, validate, coach and guide you.

Send out the call when you desire help and know that a time may come when you too may be called to aid and assist others through their passage. Your personal passage story is a gift to share and a truth to reflect to all who come for service. Be open to the many varieties of paths of process and know that each individual is gifted with their own unique, one of a kind, customized experience of total transformation.

Gather the stories, the wisdom, the tools and the practices that have worked for others. Sort through them and find your own golden nugget to assist you in your navigation and to be integrated into your story. Begin to record your story, your journey, what works for you, in ways that you feel comfortable sharing. Writing, spoken word, poetry, art, performance; all are ways to transmit the energies, the knowledge, the wisdom, the gifts of your transition.

Remember too in the final moments of the journey that all challenges, all difficulties, all pain, all sorrow, can be easily and swiftly eradicated by the mere willingness to spread your wings and daring to fly. I AM Butterfly Woman and I Dance the Winds of your most Sacred Dreams.

@2010 – Amethyst Wyldfyre – Excerpt from Channeled Book in Progress!

Original Art – Available for sale or can be reproduced as a print or greeting card – available on my art website here:

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Listen to the ARCHIVE!

After my radio show Blazing Forth The Light on Friday with artist Sheila Finkelstein I too was inspired – one of the things that she said that inviting her to be a guest on my show opened up for her was (in her own words)

” I fell in love with my art for the very first time”

Well that led me to go back and revisit my OWN art & creations – and you know what I’m in LOVE all over again with my work!!

Because Nothing Says I LOVE YOU Quite like a Rose!

Here’s a little link to my newsletter which I just popped together to share with you some last minute inspiration and gift giving ideas for this holiday season – original art for the awakened heart!

Books, CDs, Art, and fun & functional products are all waiting here JUST FOR YOU!!

Prosperity Prays Pillow Available in my Prosperity Prays Store!

Enjoy your Holiday Shopping experience online and get your gift giving activities done in a flash – no wrapping, no long lines, no fighting for a parking place – you can even have a hot cup of tea and be in your PJ’s for the experience!!

Be sure to check out Sheila’s work too – since she inspired me I want to be sure to spread the LOVE – you can find links to all  her offerings HERE