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Back in December I had the pleasure of attending the Millionaire Prodigy Intensive in San Jose California with Kelly O’Neil.  One thing that has become increasingly clear to me over time is that there is NEVER an event, experience or occasion that I engage, enroll in or attend that doesn’t have a seed (often a whole HARVEST) of soul growth potential within it.  My main focus and my intent is to extract that lesson, gift of power or spiritual initiation above all else.  Even when it “seems” like what I am there to do (where ever there is) may be the furthest thing away from the spiritual, because of my intent – there it is – always – WHY I AM THERE is always a bigger piece of why I am there if you know what I mean!

So there I was with Kelly and a gathering of several others who had come together for three intense days of laser focus on our businesses.  Kelly is incredibly gifted in the business aspect of things that’s for sure – but she also comes to the table with the added gifts of training in Hypnotherapy and NLP along with her natural and powerful intuitive abilities and she’s not in the least bit hesitant to bring ALL her tools to the party in service to getting to the transformation that the client is looking for.

My intent and focus and purpose for being there was multifold – first of all back in October while at Lisa Sasevich’s Big Mission, Big Sales, Big Life event I was given VERY CLEAR guidance from the “upstairs team” that in 2010 I would be working with the wealthy – that a big part of my mission in the coming year would be assisting those in the wealthy segment who were “awakening” to their higher spirituality, consciousness and gifts and to aid and assist them in shifting their energy, grounding their newly realized psychic and multidimensional capacities and clearing the way energetically for them to fully realize their soul purpose and to manifest it rapidly leveraged by their already accumulated wealth.  This was not at all what I myself was expecting when I opened up for the Mission in Mission Bay – but there it was and so I stepped into accepting that and it seemed like a very natural choice to then enroll in work with Kelly who’s specialty is marketing to the affluent.  Who better to teach me the subtleties of that then Kelly? Secondly – I clearly wanted to connect with the teachings that Kelly had to offer of course as I believed that her experience in this area would be most valuable.  Thirdly – I wanted to actively engage in and begin to birth forth the practice of creating a business that is going to thrive which will subsequently place me in that space of thriving financially as well.  It was time for me to fill up the well again – and to learn from an expert.

The group was fairly small which gave each of us plenty of time on the “hot seat” and as each person landed in that spot – it was clear that this event was going to be what I’m beginning to call a “hybrid” – part business, part spiritual/emotional/mental shifting.  Kelly (and others) call that piece mindset shifting and the way the weekend shaped up we were fairly well split – half of us received deep focus on our business, the other half ended up spending most of the hot seat time doing the mindset shift work.  My thoughts when it was my turn (and Kelly’s too for that matter) were that I was going to be having most of the focus on the biz stuff since I am deeply engaged almost on a continuous basis on the spiritual/energetic and mindset shifting work.  Well of course you know we plan and Spirit laughs – when it was my turn – Kelly asked me one question – the one word she’d written on my file – RECEIVE!  “What’s your problem with receiving?” or something along those lines was the first thing out of her mouth.

This is what emerged for me – as a child my mom (who I believe now probably had undiagnosed borderline personality disorder) was EXTREMELY unpredictable.  I’d come home from school every day – braced for the very worst – and then if she was sweet and kind it was a gift – but if she was having a bad day (pretty frequent in my world) then I was ready for it.  What used to happen is she would go after me hysterically and out of control.  There was an ever changing kaleidoscope of physical/mental/emotional/spiritual abuse – and in retrospect I see that I was the “container” for a lot of her stuff – some of which was as a result of being married to my alcoholic father who had his own thing going on (see prior posts about Jamesons and the Fulact Fia) – some of which was her own stuff that came from an abused childhood of her own.  Anyway getting back to the receiving thing – regularly after a major blow out  – my mom would go shopping – and bring things home for me – she’d bring home a new outfit or several and that would be her way of “making up” – never an acknowledgment of the crazy making stuff – just this offering of clothing  or some other material goods – 90% of which was unfashionable for my age group (remind me to tell you the story of the red & white checked gingham dress sometime!), that I didn’t even like and which caused hoots of derision from some of my less than friendly classmates.  For me receiving was just energetically NOT GOOD – because there was this unresolved and unacknowledged wounding that could never be healed by material goods.

When we moved through that Kelly asked me to look at money and that’s where the garbage trucks came in – this was really interesting too – the garbage trucks (Money) were overflowing with stench and hazardous waste.  I connected this to a couple of experiences – when I was 18 my parents bought a piece of property that ended up being contaminated with hazardous waste – their entire life savings was poured into the property and eventually they lost it to foreclosure after spending every dime they had on remediation and attorneys.  The other piece of this was the relationship I had in and through my 20’s and 30’s with a very wealthy mentor who also was an incredibly angry, rude and explosively tempered man.

I actively worked the transmutation of all of this on the energetic level as Kelly led me through a process of cleansing it all with her NLP/Intuitive/Hypnotherapy skills.  First I put all the money/garbage trucks into a bath tub to cleanse it – then I filled the tub with Rose bubble bath – then the water in the tub shifted to Hot Cocoa and the bubbles became Turkish Delight.  Money is now YUMMY!!!  And that’s a VERY GOOD THING – because if you are trying to run a business, you definitely need to do two things – one – be able to receive (if we are giving all the time – and not receiving we will eventually run out of fuel in our tanks and we’ll continue to perpetuate scarcity mentality and experiences) and two – be able to ESPECIALLY receive MONEY!  Not just receive it but keep it around for a while too – at least long enough to feel like we are in a place of thriving and have moved beyond surviving.

Coming home from the event – I made some shifts for myself – first I went to the store and bought several varieties of hot cocoa – then I ordered some Turkish Delight on line and finally I obtained a whole variety of rose scented body products from bubble bath to salts to some delicious lotion that I’m applying almost daily.  As I stepped into letting myself receive, into taking better care of myself – and to actively equipping myself with these symbolic representations of YUMMY MONEY there has been a dramatic shift in my business and more importantly at the soul level.  I’m feeling SO much more able to be present, to serve my own purpose, to engage in my mission, to help others move through their stuff around money, relationship, entrepreneurship and the overall management and mastery of their personal energy fields and I’m certainly now much better able to have a clear, open and mutually giving and receiving conversation with the affluent clients that are now manifesting all over the place and are ready, and excited to invest in their own transformations through the work that I am here to offer.  I’m grateful.

Do you have “Stuff” that is blocking you? Have you done the physical shifting, the emotional therapy, the mindset changes and you STILL are feeling stuck?  Energy shifting takes the work right to the CORE of who you are.  It could be that you are caught in past life, karmic, or ancestral patterns.  Are you ready to engage in the Great Work of stepping in and seeking change for yourself or your business?  I’m now enrolling for February for the CORE PATH Intensive.  Please visit The CORE PATH and make application if you are “called” to shift your energy and fire up your business! (For Transformational Coach/Trainers, Artists, Performers, Speakers, Authors and Alternative Healing Professionals)  I look forward to serving you!

Peace is in you….. Love Lights Us!!
